
Reportage and Commentary

“Money Talks: The special interests of Shalabh Kumar, Trump’s favourite Indian American” (The Caravan)

“Why Attack on Titan is the Alt-Right’s Favorite Manga” (The New Republic)

“Can The Left Win YouTube?" (The New Republic)

“Race to the Top: The racial opportunism of a rising political star in Trump’s America” (The Caravan)

“The Sprawling, Empathetic Adventure of Saga" (The Atlantic)

“Making Fun of How South Asians Talk: A History” (The Atlantic)

“The Dark Side of the Comics that Reinvented Hinduism” (The Atlantic)

Interviews and Podcasts

“On Manga in the era of MAGA” (Asia Art Tours)

“The Bhagavad Gita’s Hindu Theology” (The Partially Examined Life)

Creative Nonfiction

“Each Other” (print, Washington Square Review)

“HEAT” (The Rumpus)